Deep 6 is a fictional character from the GI Joe mythos. First appearing in the GI Joe: A Real American Hero toy line, he has become a real fan favorite.
Uncanny! Insider News
New Lease! New Location! Same Great Uncanny!
As many of you have heard our Plymouth Meeting Mall location closed it's doors permanently on January 31st of this year, ending an over three decade long legacy of a comic shop being in that mall. Sad news we know. It broke out hearts having to do it, but the cost of doing business in that location was something we could no longer afford, but that is in the past and we are looking forward to building a new legacy at our new home in the Montgomery Mall.
Uncanny! Montgomery Mall opened February 6, 2019 and is located on the second level between Macy's and Eddie Bauer. Ray, Charlie, RJ, and Atticus have done an awesome job in a very short period of time. In less than a week they moved, built out, and merchandised the new location.The store looks amazing, but don't take my word for it, go see it for yourselves.
We hope that you will join us in our new home of geeky conversations, gaming, comics, and more; because when it's all said and done we can't be Uncanny! without U! See you soon!
IMBIBE Issue #18: "5 Deals One Devil" paired with Voodoo Ranger "Atomic Pumpkin"
This Blog post is intended for readers 21 and older.
By Rob McFee
What happens when you take a great idea and add some heat?
You get an amazing pairing just in time for the pumpkin spice season and Halloween .
This Weeks Pairing:
"5 Deals One Devil" (Anthology) written by, Johnny Destructo, Benton Feight, Tim Hershey, R. Lawrence McFee, Rob Patey, and Steve Petrivelli, with art by Jordan Brantner, Johnny Destructo, Sean M. Dillon, Mike Pouch, and Kristie Vanderzee. Cover art by Nik Hagialas. Published by Rebel Lines, Pennsylvania USA
Voodoo Ranger "Atomic Pumpkin"- Pumpkin ale featuring cinnamon and Habanero peppers- 6.4% ABV (Alcohol by Volume)- New Belgium Brewing Company Fort Collins, CO USA
To get things started, I feel I must be totally transparent, the comic book featured in this pairing is one I had a hand in creating along with some incredibly talented writers and artists. "5 Deals One Devil" is an anthology created from a simple premise. Partner with aspiring comic book writers and artists pair them up and have each team of creators write and draw a five to ten page story about a deal with the devil. Out of that idea, we got some pretty cool stories. I hope you like them.
Our pairing begins with the bottle and cover art, both which are equally foreboding and inviting at the same time.
Cover artist Nik Hagialas gives us a devil lounging in his trophy room. New Belgium provides the imbiber with the skeletal Voodoo Ranger comfortably posed on the label; both seem to have a perpetual smile on their face, though one can never tell with a skeleton or a devil behind a mask. The bottle and cover glow in a brilliant pumpkin orange that immediately sparks memories of chilly fall nights, jumping in piles of leaves, and of course Halloween. The process of creating the right cover to capture what's inside is not easy. Nik had to read each script to determine what piece of memorabilia to add to the trophy room. I can only imagine the team at Frost Motion went through something similar in creating the Voodoo Ranger.
- Nik Hagialas Cover art process
At first pour you are greeted by a pale amber color reminiscent of fall leaves, and a thin white head that dissipates to a nice lace. The aroma is definitively pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg, but there's something else, neither sweet or bitter; something with a kick and a fire, like those red hots you enjoyed as a kid. "Proceed with caution", your nose warns your palate.
As you begin to turn the first page of the anthology you come face to face with the devil! (a pin up drawn by the talented Christian DiBari, Image Comics)
The first story is " A First Time for Everything" penned by Benton Feight and drawn by Mike Pouch is a story about the first deal ever made between a human and the devil. Feight's story guides the reader into the anthology with a tale that captures the essence of what this anthology is all about, good storytelling . Mike's art style is raw and unforgiving and brings to life a period of time when those qualities were the law of the land.
Once you've gotten a taste of "5 Deals One Devil" you'll immediately understand why Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin is it's perfect pairing partner; At first taste you are greeted by sweet pumpkin, and cinnamon, but then the Habanero peppers kick in adding heat to this pumpkin ale that makes it anything but run of the mill. The feel in the mouth is smooth and silky followed by a warming in the throat and chest (making it perfect for fall nights).
The hidden fire contained in both comic and beer puts the imbiber in the role of the moth being drawn to a flame circling ever closer hoping not to get burned. As you continue on your imbiber's journey, the devil takes center stage in stories that will shock and entertain you, while Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin provides the flavor and the heat.
-Pages from "Tainted Love" by McFee and Dillon; "Never Thought This Would Be My Life" by Hershey and Brantner
If you're looking for a pairing that is one of a kind then "5 Deals One Devil" and Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin are your perfect pairing.
Until next time read and drink responsibly.
If you can't find a copy of "5 Deals One Devil" at your local comic shop. Please email
IMBIBE Issue #17: A Train Called Love paired with "Bye Felicia"
This blog is intended for readers 21 and over
By Rob McFee
This Weeks Pairing:
" A Train Called Love" written by Garth Ennis; art by Mark Dos Santos and cover art by Russell Braun. Published by Dynamite Entertainment and Spitfire Productions 2016
"Bye Felicia" - Tropical IPA - 6.5% Alcohol By Volume (ABV)- Evil Genius Beer Company, Philadelphia PA, USA
I have to begin by saying that discovering these two amazing creations was equal to that feeling you have when you find a crumpled twenty dollar bill in an old pair of jeans, that's been deteriorating in the hatchback of your 1978 Ford Pinto.
"Eureka! I found treasure!"
Our pairing begins with the smile on your face provided by the sheer hilarity of the name of the craft beer "Bye Felicia" (A well known line from the movie "Friday")
add to that the "Monty Python-esque" cover of "A Train Called Love" (Cover art by Russell Braun) and you know you're in for some the pure unadulterated enjoyment with your imbibing experience.
At first pour "Bye Felicia" is hazy pale and golden much like the season it's brewed for; you'll get about an inch thick pure white head that dissipates to a nice lace; the aroma is everything the bottle advertises, very tropical with definitive passion fruit notes and hints of mango; its a sweet bouquet,but not too overpowering.
The presentation of this beer pairs well with the cartoonish art Mark Dos Santos whose style is reminiscent of "Adult Swim's" "Venture Bros."; cartoonish with adult themes.
The colors of this dark/ action-comedy set the tone/mood for the reader and range from bright and pastel to dark and muted. Coloring duties on this book are brought to you courtesy of not one but two colorists; Andrew Elder and Salvatore Aiala Studios.
But what is art and color without story? Some would say it's the bottle without the beer. On that note that is where this pairing shines the brightest.
"A Train Called Love"
Acclaimed graphic novelist Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys) takes you on a multi-layered romp, exploring the highs and lows of love. Valerie's being stalked by a pervert; she meets Myles a gentlemanly hitman a.k.a. man of Valerie's dreams and executes said pervert (not for Val but for work) inadvertently making Valerie a target for the gangster known as Mister Monsta. Meanwhile, Valerie's sister is dealing with a pervert of her own, her boyfriend Marv who has a crazy get rich scheme to sell drugs that he found to Mister Monsta… some how through all of this love blossoms while bullets fly, in this dark romantic farce that is classic Garth Ennis.
"Bye Felicia"
Much like it's pairing partner "Bye Felicia" is complex in concept and flawless in execution. At first taste your taste buds are treated to a tropical rainforest of flavors; passion fruit, mango, a hint of citrus and hops, but then there's that slightly bitter bite that IPA lovers know all to well. It's the balance of this beer that makes it special and like it's pairing partner "A Train Called Love" that is equal parts dark comedy, romance, and action; "Bye Felica" walks a that same fine line. If it was too sweet it becomes just another fruit beer; if it's too bitter it's a weakly flavored IPA , but the brew masters at Evil Genius Beer Company found a way to marry these two concepts into a perfect union that is enjoyable and fun. That's right fun! "Bye Felicia" is a beer of celebration and good times and with a 6.5% ABV the good times are even better.
So if your tastes skew toward absurd dark comedies and fun IPAs then this is the pairing for you. Until next time, read and drink responsibly.
Nerdy News Rundown
Broadcasts Live Monday- Friday at Uncanny! King of Prussia Mall
" I want to be among the people who love this culture as much as I do, and I could think of no better place to do it than Uncanny!, you guys have it all."
- Josh Lucas
(Disclaimer * The views and opinions expressed on the Nerdy News Rundown are not those of Uncanny! it's employees or affiliates.)
The DC Week In Review w/ Dylan "Metal"

Dark Knights Metal #1 gets a 6.5 out of 10.

Marvel Tidbits w/ Dustin

This week in Marvel Tidbits we 'glitter, glisten, gloss, floss' over a key villain returning to haunt a member of the Defenders, our first look at Josh Brolin's Cable and a fresh, mystical new international trailer for Thor: Ragnarok.
Purple Man
Marvel Jessica Jones courtesy of Entertainment Weekly
Is it just in your head or is that really David Tennant's Kilgrave aka The Purple Man? That's right, Kilgrave has seemingly returned from a nasty case of broken neck-itis for the Netflix/Marvel combo, Jessica Jones season 2!
What role will Kilgrave have in season 2? Will he continue to haunt his former victims? We will have to wait for 2018!
Not So Basic Cable
Well there you have it, your first full on glimpse of Josh Brolin as Cable in the upcoming Deadpool 2 movie. In true Cable fashion he is loaded up and draped down with plenty of ammo and a gluttony of explosives...and an alarmingly snuggly teddy bear. Not to be outdone by his weaponry, the telepathic and telekinetic Cable showcases his trademark glowing left eye (no Lopez) and machine/metal-esque left arm.
As a life-long Cable fan, this certainly receives my tip of the cap in terms of style and look. Need a little Cable/Deadpool primer? Check out Split Second right here!
Conjuring Up Ragnarok
While I make it a commitment to myself not to check out any trailer past the second one made...I'm struggling not clicking play to catch the International Thor: Ragnarok trailer featuring the first glimpse of Doctor Strange in the movie. So if you really feel like geeking do your thing.
Comic of the Week
My affinity for Marvel, especially the X-Men, is very well known. While I am adjusting to Marvel shipping a handful of titles twice monthly a la DC, I have thoroughly enjoyed the young cast of X-Men Blue. This week's #9 issue wraps up the mini Secret Empire tie-in run. In a nutshell, the young X-Men have tried their darndest to foil the White Queen's hold on New Tian...the mutant/human nation that once was the land of California.
The series is a very fun, exhilarating showing of these young mutants led by Magneto. There is plenty of depth in terms of storytelling and plenty of questions to keep the reader flipping forward. I highly suggest starting up a subscription today at your local Uncanny! for this series!
Song of the Week
Awesome. While it's not the Hoff sloppily eating a is an amazing music video featuring some of the cast from Guardians of the Galaxy promoting the upcoming digital and blu-ray release of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2!
If that doesn't wrap up Tidbits...and if that doesn't make your Thursday...then I don't know what will. Keep it light!
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The DC Week In Review w/Dylan
By: Dylan Ashcraft

It's that time of the week folks, where we take a look at what's happening in the news of DC Comics, review a comic book, and look at some pretty cover art. Now this isn't the biggest week when it comes to DC comics news however there are a couple interesting tidbits.
Batman vs Two-Face

The trailer for the upcoming animated movie based off the 1960s Batman and Robin television show was just released and it stars the late great Adam West in his famous role as the Caped Crusader. The movie also features Burt Ward as Robin and William Shatner as Two-Face while having appearances of characters such as The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin and Hugo Strange.
It was your standard DC animation trailer where it shows off a significant portion while avoiding any major spoilers (unlike some of the DC Cinematic Universe trailers). Check out the trailer below and if you liked the trailer, than I would recommend picking up the movie when it releases October 17th of this year.
I will say, line of the trailer certainly has to be Hugo Stranges' "If you can't kill them in a horrible lab experiment, join them".
Batman and The Signal
As priorly talked about, Duke Thomas aka "The Signal" is getting a starring role in a Batman title, where he and Bats will be teaming up. And lord let me tell you, do I hate that name, I mean there are just so many better options. You can do so much better than the Signal for a character. And while I am not the biggest fan of Mr. Duke Thomas, I am particularly annoyed about the fact that they gave him such a terrible name. Besides the fact that "The Signal" sounds like the name of a D-List villain that flashes little lights in your eyes, we already have a Signal that's deeply written in Batman's lore. You know...this thing.
Putting how I feel about Mr. Thomas' hero name aside, I will say that based off the cover art of the first issue, the changes made to his costume are much better. His old costume looks like a cheap cosplay, because it just looks like he's wearing really (really) bright motorcycle pads/gear.
The new costume however has some aesthetically appealing differences about it, the black design on his cowl looks amazing and the fact that it goes down past his chin makes the side profile really cool. Also the changes to the Bat symbol on his chest are welcome as well as the white Bat outlined with the black makes the costume have a "pop" factor that it didn't have before. Cully Hammer did a really good job designing this costume change.
Batman and the Signal will be a three part miniseries written by Scott Snyder and co-written by Tony Patrick from the DC Writer Workshop. Snyder has stated that Patrick is really passionate about the character (Duke Thomas) and that bodes to be a great thing because it really helps when the writer truly cares about the character they're writing for. It'll be interesting to see where this miniseries takes Duke Thomas after the events of Dark Knights: The Culling.
The Flash Races Through Walmart
Okay, I'll be honest with you, this isn't really news of any's just kind of a fun thing. So a new advert for Walmart has recently gone out with Justice League's The Flash racing around helping shoppers at the store. Now it isn't likely Ezra Miller in the costume here (as you never see his face) but things like this are fun, especially for the kids. I mean, I remember when the first Spiderman movie (Tobey Maguire) was coming out, the Walmart near me was advertising that Spiderman was in the store and taking pictures with kids. Stuff like this is great for kids because these characters are role models for them, so while it's silly and campy (especially with the 80s soundtrack for the bit) it's pretty awesome.
The DC Cover of the Week
The Flash #28 is the cover of the week and if I do say so myself, holy crap is this thing pretty. I'm a big fan of covers like this where the background is in a duller color while the main focus falls on the character whose stylized in a bright way to make the cover pop to the eyes. The black lightning ebbing off of the Flash as he runs is excellent as having it look as if the Flash is breaking the ground as he runs (which ties into the story) is such a nice aesthetic. I've been loving a vast majority of the variant covers for the Flash comic series and I have to say, this is probably one of my favorites.
The DC Comic of the Week
So typically when I review a comic for DC Comic of the Week, I go in depth and talk about what happens in the book. However for this comic, I'm not going to do that. Because if there was one single comic that I would want someone to go out and read after reading this article, it's this one. Tom King's "Mister Miracle" is the DC Comic of the Week because it's absolutely amazing.
I'm going to preface all of this by saying that I am a massive fan of Tom King's work and I believe he really excels with characters that no one else really utilizes (or at least nowadays). His run with Vision is one of the best comic series I've read, the work he did with that character was amazing. And then with Kyle Rayner in the Omega Men, another fantastic series that was amazing from the start and ended that way.
The book opens up in spectacular fashion with Mister Miracle's ultimate escape attempt, escaping death. And what I mean by that is, Mister Miracle attempts to commit suicide to see if he can escape death. And that is all I am going to give away about what happens inside the book.
The art perfectly matches up with the tone of the story and really stands out amongst so many things in this book. Mitch Gerads ability to convey emotion with a single panel is incredible, the ability to cause a sense of disorientation for the reader so that they don't comfortable reading this book is fantastic. And from the start of the book you can tell that this isn't your typical superhero title, it doesn't go at the pace that readers are accustomed to with new books. There are these shifts in reality inside the book that puts the readers on their toes, it makes it so that when you're experiencing what's going on, you aren't sure what to believe as true. The only thing you can really know for sure is that this isn't just some random DC Comics book, it's something else.
Which is exactly what Tom King wants, as he's stated that he wants to write a comic like Watchmen, a comic that captures the uncertainty of our times, and with this book, I feel he will do just that.
Tom King's "Mister Miracle" #1 receives a 9.75/10.
This makes this book the highest I've scored so far here on the DC Comics Week In Review and it is very well deserved. I don't believe it is a perfect book, hence the lack of rating it a 10, but it is absolutely amazing. And very well might be my favorite comic of the entire year across all publishing companies. It is without a doubt, the best issue one of the year however and I can't put into words how much I suggest reading this title.
"Follow Mister Miracle, Enter the next Trap"
And that is this week's DC Week In Review, let me know in the comments what you think of the Batman vs Two-Face Trailer, Duke's new costume, and Mister Miracle #1. Until next week, I bid you adieu
DC Week In Review w/Dylan

Marvel Tidbits W/ Dustin
Avenger Fossils
Jason Aaron / Esad Ribic - Marvel
Marvel continues to trudge ahead in revamping their comic line-up, the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC...stars of the Marvel One Shot, Legacy...are bound to play a monumental role in the shaping of an almost re-newed Marvel universe. These cosmic and mystical forces are represented in full force, and by full force...I do mean POWER. Shown above we have (L to R) Starbrand, Iron Fist, Phoenix, Odin, Black Panther, Ghost Rider and Agamotto.
This team is chock-full-o-history. These historic forces have all impacted the proceeding generations of Marvel heroes and villains alike. How will introducing this never before seen team of Avengers impact the legacy of the heroes of today? Legacy drops September 27th, 2017, however...
Comic of the Week
Marvel Generations is a 10 part series chronicling the "current" iterations of characters meeting up with their predecessors so to speak. The first release just dropped and is my Marvel Comic of the Week...Generations: The Strongest.
The story dives right in with Amadeus Cho's Totally Awesome Hulk meeting up with Bruce Banner's Hulk in the relative past. Not a whole lot of backstory as far as how this occurred, but General Thunderbolt Ross has his droids attacking the Hulks before a sea creature of some sort joins the battle. While the book keeps the explosive action rolling, the dialogue between Amadeus and Bruce stirs something up in Amadeus. It's this revelation that will propel Amadeus's Hulk character and will be a welcome change to long time Incredible Hulk fans.
Generations is surely to cause a large imprint in the Legacy of Marvel moving forward.
Pushing Luck
Zazie Beetz as Domino
While certainly not the traditional comic look that some may have been hoping for, I'm a fan of the Zazie Beetz look as Domino from the upcoming Deadpool 2 flick. The black around the eye may be gone, but I'm certain that the luck Domino creates is still there. Created by Rob Liefield, Domino debuted in the pages of X-Force #8 (1992). What do you think of the new look?
Your Hair Moves Me
It's the moment I've been waiting for since Marvel first started dropping Inhumans trailers for the highly anticipated TV series...Medusa's hair in action! The CGI assisted hair movement looks to flow rather seamlessly, especially when Medusa commands her hair to wrap around the maniacal Mad Max's throat. It's almost as if Iwan Rheon (Maximus the Mad) has a natural niche for playing a tormentor to red heads.
Inhumans debuts in IMAX September 1st with the first 2 episodes before debuting on ABC on September 29th running the full 8 episode series.
Song of the Week
I feel like this is just too on point looking back on Medusa. She certainly is more than just her hair as India.Arie proudly sings on "I Am Not My Hair". sure to check out Issue #16 of IMBIBE with Rob McFee where he so perfectly...and eloquently....pairs Daredevil: Dark Nights with Brooklyn Brewery Defender...just click on the image already!
That's it for Marvel Tidbits w/ Dustin, hope you have a wonderful weekend, you are more than just your hair....keep it light!
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