This blog post is intended for readers 21 and older.
By Rob McFee
This Week's Pairing:
"American Monster" Volume One "Sweetland" - Written by Brian Azzarello- Art by Juan Doe- Published by AfterShock Comics
Bigfoot Ale-Barleywine style- 9.6% Alcohol By Volume (ABV)- Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., CA & NC, USA
This pairing really needs no introduction, Brian Azzarello's "American Monster" with Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale; an "American Monster" for an American monster.
Bigfoot is prized by beer collectors for its supreme cellarability. Under the proper conditions, it can age like a fine wine, developing new flavors and character as it matures in the bottle. My sampling was from the 2013 stock.
At first pour the color is a deep amber almost reddish brown, that comes to a thin off white head with minimal lacing. The aroma is sweet with a hoppy twang. The taste is bitter at first sip then sweetens up as you continue to imbibe, but please pace yourself the 9.6% ABV will definitely sneak up on you and you'll need your full faculties for this pairing,especially the for the reveal. Dun-Dun-Dunnnn!
"American Monster" is authentic Azzarello, if you've read any of his other masterpieces ("100 Bullets", "Dark Knight III Master Race") then you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't make the time to do so, you will not be disappointed. I wish I could go into detail about how good this comic is, but to do so may reveal too much; so in lieu of that here's a cool picture of the main character and a blurb about the story...

In a small Midwestern town, a large man with a horribly scarred face gets off a bus, and takes a room. He spooks the locals-nobody knows him-or do they? It's impossible to say be-cause he seemingly has no face. The man's intentions remain unknown, until he takes on a corrupt sheriff and the rural crew of racist arms dealers. The town's impression of the man changes, and he's seen as a hero...until his real intentions bubble to the surface...
The art of Juan Doe is phenomenal, his ability to capture motion is second to none, and his page composition creates an incredible flow of action where at times you'll feel as if you're watching a movie. Only a handful of comic artists have been able to achieve this effect, Doe is among them. So good.
The next time you feel the need to mix a little myth with mayhem, give our Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot, Barleywine Style Ale and Aftershock's "American Monster" pairing a try.
Until next week read and consume responsibly.
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