By: Dylan Ashcraft

Attention Yugioh players! As you may or may not know, the Uncanny! King of
Prussia location hosts a local Yugioh tournament every Tuesday where several
players duel each other for the chance to win prizes (such as free entries and
This week’s winner was Matt Manno who played a pure Zoodiac deck that
featured hand traps primarily over options such as Brilliant Fusion and
Predaplants as we saw with last week’s winner Eric. But now let’s get onto the
deck list.
Main Deck: 42 Cards
2x Zoodiac Ratpier
2x Zoodiac Ramram
3x Zoodiac Whiptail
3x Zoodiac Throughblade
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
2x Flying “c”
1x Maxx "C"
3x Zoodiac Barrage
3x Fire Formation Tenki
1x Fire Formation Tensu
2x Pot of Desires
3x My Body as a Shield
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Dark Hole
1x Raigeki
1x Book of moon
1x Soul charge
3x Dimensional barrier
1x Zoodiac Combo
Extra Deck: 15
3x Zoodiac Drident
2x Zoodiac Broadbull
2x Zoodiac Chakanine
2x Zoodiac Tiger Mortar
1x Zoodiac Hammerkong
1x Zoodiac Boarbow
1x Daigusto Emeral
1x Tornado Dragon
1x Brotherhood of the Firefist- Tiger King
1x Abyss Dweller
Side Deck: 15
2x Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
1x Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju
3x Twin Twister
2x Lullaby of Obedience
2x Enemy Controller
3x Solemn Strike
2x Anti-Spell Fragrance
Now I was able to interview Matt a little about his experience at the tournament on
Q) Who did you play against on Tuesday and what did they play?
A) I played Kyle, Brad and Eric. Kyle played Spyral, Brad played
Kozmo Metalfoe Draco and Eric played Kaiju zoo.
Q) What was your record?
A) My record was 3-0
Q) Which was your hardest matchup?
A) Eric’s Kaiju Zoo was definitely the hardest matchup
Q) Final question, why do you play the deck that you play?
A) I like zoo because I can play a surplus of hand traps and still be able
to make a play with engine cards such as tenki/barrage or any zoo monster. I
also enjoy the deck because when I started playing the game competitively in
2012 where wind-up was a very popular xyz deck and Zoodiac has a very
similar xyz spam style.
And that concludes the interview with this week’s Uncanny! Yugioh winner, Matt
Manno. Do you think you can knock Matt off the totem pole, well then swing by
next Tuesday to compete in Uncanny! King of Prussia’s weekly tournament.
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